Inner Flower Studio

My name is Dora Krisztina Kelemen, I am Hungarian. Years ago I started work as an architect after coming out of the university. Having much adventurousness in me I chose London (UK) to live and work at. I have lived there for years, and I was inspired many times to paint London scenes in rain. I became an architect in the first place because I loved to paint. Later down the road I started to wait for my first child and realised that me and my husband should return to our home country.
Just when our child was 6 months old the wheels of fortune forced me to understand that what I really want is working with people.
I became a healing therapist by using kinesiology, spiritual techniques and much more. However big turn it may seem it really started while I was 23. It took me years to realize, that working with the human soul interests me the most. While I spend my time with helping people overcoming their difficulties I paint spiritual paintings. Anyone who has bought a painting from me was extremely satisfied with how it looked and how it affected their lives. With much joy I offer my paintings to people to whom they would be the greatest contribution to their lives.
Dóra Kelemen
Tel: 36 70-450-1656 - language - english